Geovanny Vicente Romero

  • Geovanny Vicente Romero
    Geovanny Vicente Romero es politólogo y abogado con experiencia como profesor y asesor internacional de políticas públicas y gobernanza. Vicente-Romero enseña el curso de Comunicación Estratégica para Profesionales en la Universidad de Columbia, en Nueva York. Columnista de la cadena CNN en Español e Infobae. Su columna sale publicada en los principales medios de América Latina y ha recibido premios por en su calidad de columnista. Es un estratega político y consultor de comunicación gubernamental y corporativa. Ha escrito extensamente sobre democracia, elecciones, desarrollo, gobernanza, derechos humanos, cambio climático y el rol de las mujeres en la sociedad. Entre sus estudios, tiene maestría en Comunicación Política y Gobernanza en la Universidad George Washington; Maestría en Técnicas Modernas de Dirección de la Administración Pública, con la colaboración de la Universidad de Cádiz, España; y Maestría en Criminología, Universidad de Murcia, España. Actualmente, se encuentra trabajando en su PhD en Ciencia Política y Administración Pública, en la Universidad de Murcia, España. Es fundador del Centro de Políticas Públicas, Desarrollo y Liderazgo RD (CPDL-RD). Es moderador recurrente de los #DCDialogues, una iniciativa de la Universidad de Nueva York (NYU), donde dialoga con presidentes, ministros y líderes globales. Premio Nacional de la Juventud 2020 de la República Dominicana a la superación profesional. “Columna Política del Año” 2020 de los Napolitan Victory Awards, premio entregado por The Washington Academy of Political Arts & Sciences™. Síguelo en Twitter: @GeovannyVicentR
    Correo: [email protected]

Venezuela's 2024 Elections: A Conversation with Leopoldo Lopez on the Fight Against Authoritarianism

[embed][/embed] Dialogues with Geovanny Vicente-Romero: A resource for navigating the changing worlds of strategic communications, leadership, and democracy. Venezuela's 2024 Elections: A Conversation with Leopoldo Lopez on elections, Human Rights, the Fight Against Authoritarianism and the Future ahead.  Venezuela's Quest for Democracy Leopoldo Lopez spoke on Venezuela's future: Democracy, Human Rights, and the path forward In a powerful address before the United Nations Human Rights Council in July. Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez shed light on the dire human rights situation in Venezuela. Following his speech, we had the opportunity to sit down with him and delve deeper into his vision for a democratic Venezuela. In this exclusive interview, Lopez shares his insights on the current state of human rights in Venezuela, the upcoming elections, and the Maduro regime's authoritarian grip on power. He emphasizes the crucial role of international support, observation, and monitoring in ensuring free and fair elections. Lopez also outlines his strategy for challenging the regime, promoting accountability for human rights abuses, and rebuilding Venezuela's institutions. Within the framework of his address before the UNHRC, Lopez highlights the specific human rights concerns he brought to the attention of the international community. He discusses the actions he believes the UNHRC should take to address these concerns and the impact the upcoming elections will have on Venezuela's future. Lopez also assesses the Maduro regime's strengths and weaknesses, its human rights abuses, and the role of the military in Venezuela's transition to democracy. He shares his vision for a post-authoritarian Venezuela and the key elements of a transition and reconstruction process. Key Takeaways: - Human rights concerns and UNHRC actions - International support for democracy and elections - Maduro regime's strengths, weaknesses, and authoritarianism - Opposition's role in elections and transition - Military's role in Venezuela's democratic transition - Post-Maduro transition and reconstruction   #LeopoldoLopez #MariaCorinaMachado #EdmundoGonzalez #Venezuela #Eleccionesvenezuela #NicolasMaduro #GeovannyVicenteRomero   d